AZ Dept of Education

AZ Dept of Education Phone Number

AZ Dept of Education is the administrative department of the Arizona state government responsible for primary and secondary public education in the state. AZ Dept of Education address is 1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, phone number is (602) 542-5393 but you can also use the following phone numbers directory for additional department and offices direct numbers:

AZ Dept of Education main phone number: (602) 542-5393
Toll-Free: (800) 352-4558
State Higher Education Agency, Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education: (602) 542-7230
Special Education Agency, Exceptional Student Services: (602) 542-4013
Toll-Free: (800) 352-4558
State Adult Education Agency, Adult Education Services: (602) 258-2410

AZ Dept of Education phone number where you speak to a real person regarding Arizona state education matters including teacher certification is (602) 542-5393.

AZ Dept of Education Mailing Address

AZ Dept of Education address where you can send letters, documents, and forms is:

Arizona Department of Education (AZ Dept of Education)
Street: 1535 West Jefferson Street
City: Phoenix
State: Arizona
ZIP: 85007

AZ Dept of Education Fax Number

AZ Dept of Education fax number where you send fax messages, documents, and Arizona teacher certification forms is (602) 542-5440.

AZ Dept of Education Website

What does AZ Dept of Education do?

Watch this video to learn what does AZ Dept of Education do, its responsibilities, activities and more.

Need additional details or information for AZ Dept of Education? Need any assistance? Please write us using the comments form below or the contact us page and we will be happy to do the leg work for you for free.
This AZ Dept of Education phone number provided on this webpage is free to call, but you are advised that your communication company may charge you according to your agreement rates. Once you call this Arizona Department of Education phone number, please listen to the welcome message prior to get connected to a real person. team is working around the clock to ensure the information we provide on this website for AZ Dept of Education and all education departments is up to date. We would appreciate if you found new information or details for any Dept of Education, you send it to us. We will update the website upon confirming the information.

This website is a free information hub for AZ Dept of Education and all states dept of education. This website is completely independent and not associated with any of the federal or state’s government offices, agencies, bureau, boards or commission.

Dept of Education
AR Dept of Education
CA Dept of Education
CO Dept of Education
CT Dept of Education
DE Dept of Education
DC Dept of Education
FL Dept of Education
GA Dept of Education
GU Dept of Education
HI Dept of Education

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